There are four distinct classifications when considering diamond quality: Cut, Clarity, Carat, and Color. When it comes to color, most people are familiar with white diamonds. However, there is a great variety of diamond colors and vast differences even within the same color. These differences can be the difference between a costly diamond and a relatively inexpensive one.
How Are Diamond Colors Graded?
The color of the most widely recognized white diamond is graded on an alphabetic scale ranging from D-Z, with D being the most expensive color grade. The color grade refers to the amount of color rather than pigment. While this color grading only applies to white diamonds, it's an important classification as the best color grade of a white diamond is to have virtually no color, as in color grade D. A color grade of Z becomes more of a yellow diamond than a white one.
Which Diamond Color Is The Most Expensive?
Despite the popularity of white diamonds, red diamonds take the prize for the most expensive diamond color. This is primarily due to their rarity. Red diamonds also differ in the source of their color from other colored diamonds. While not entirely certain, scientists suspect their red color is due to changes in the diamond's molecular structure rather than impurities during formation, as with other colored diamonds.
How Are Red Diamonds Graded?
Another difference in red diamonds is that while other colored diamonds are graded on a different color scale than white diamonds, varying from Fancy Faint to Fancy Vivid, red diamonds are only graded as Fancy.
How Much Do Red Diamonds Cost?
The largest red diamond in the world weighs 5.11 carats. Compared to the largest white diamonds, red diamonds are typically sold at less than half a carat. Even so, their size does not diminish their value. An excellent quality red diamond of even one carat can range in value from $300,000 to $2,000,000. The value of these rare diamonds is only expected to increase with the closure of the Argyle mine on November 3, 2020, which produced 90% of the global supply of red diamonds.
Whatever color diamond you prefer, you can trust the diamond experts at Ballard & Ballard Fine Jewelers to provide you with exceptional quality diamonds and attention to detail. Contact us to book your personal appointment today.